Please log in to determine if you are eligible to purchase PT Programs.
Analytes/procedures in bold type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Analyte Challenges per Shipment Number of Shipments
Calcium, ionized 2 Three shipments per year
Chloride 5
Creatinine 5
Glucose 5
Lactate 2
Magnesium, ionized 2
pCO2 5
pH 5
pO2 5
Potassium 5
Sodium 5
tCO2 5
Urea nitrogen (BUN) 5

For multiple instrument reporting options, see the Quality Cross Check programs,AQQ and AQHQ.
It is not appropriate to report hemoglobin and hematocrit results by co-oximetry in these programs.
For i-STAT instrument usage, see chart.

Program Information

  • Five 2.5-mL aqueous specimens in duplicate; appropriate for all methods, except i-STAT.
  • Conventional and International System of Units (SI) reporting offered

Shipping Schedule

  • Shipment A: February 17
  • Shipment B: June 16
  • Shipment C: October 13